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Accessibility and usability – what you need to know

Author: Benjamin Franz

Reading time:

Mar 2024

Welcome to this article, which deals with an extremely important topic in the world of product development: Accessibility and usability.

We have conducted a video interview with one of our experts in this field, Daniel Ziegler. Daniel brings not only extensive experience in accessibility and usability, but also a deep understanding of how these two aspects are connected and how they influence the development of products and services.

This video is of interest to you if ……

  • … you are responsible for the development of products or services that now have to be designed barrier-free following the introduction of the Barrier-Free Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG).
  • … you want to know what first steps you should take in this regard.
  • … you want to learn about the specific challenges and their solutions in usability testing for accessible product design.
  • … you want to know the mindset with which you as a product developer should approach the topic of “accessibility and usability”.
  • … as a product owner or part of a development team, you have to deal with ensuring accessibility and compliance with legal regulations.

This video is NOT interesting for you if you

  • …want to understand the regulations in detail. (We recommend our article “As a product manufacturer, you should know these German Accessibility Laws“)
  • want to know more about the deadlines and requirements of the Barrier-Free Accessibility Reinforcement Act. (For more information, please see this article “What is the German Accessibility Strengthening Act?”)

Then we don’t want to keep you away from our video and its insights.

Have fun!


Our video interview with Daniel Ziegler

Would you like to find out more about the topic of “accessibility and usability”? Then we recommend our article “As a product manufacturer, you should know these German Accessibility Laws“.



It is important to realize that implementing accessibility is not easy and takes time. With the June 28, 2025 deadline for implementing the Accessibility Enhancement Act approaching, companies need to act now. The first step is to learn about the specific requirements of the law and understand how it affects their own products and services. It is crucial to start early and address the issue of accessibility to ensure that your products are suitable for all users.

If you want to find out more about the Accessibility Enhancement Act to understand what the law requires of you in the first place, we recommend our article “What is the German Accessibility Strengthening Act”?

Would you like to find out where you currently stand and what you need to do to comply with the BfsG with your services and products? You can find our gap analysis and all other services relating to accessibility here.

You are also welcome to contact us directly via our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!


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