Mehr Infos

Accessibility for products, services and websites

The Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (Accessibility Strengthening Act) has set the goal of enabling an inclusive society in which all people can lead a self-determined life. An important part of its implementation is to make websites, services and products accessible.

Accessibility is becoming more and more of a social and regulatory focus. With our help, you can make your website, service or product accessible, make it accessible retroactively and / or prove that your product is accessible.



In a joint kick-off meeting, we get to know your product, service or website in detail and learn about the specific challenges. In addition, we define your objectives, work out a schedule together and prepare for the project in the best possible way.

A woman sits in front of a screen and greets another woman who is connected to her via video telephony.
Three people in a meeting. One woman is taking notes.


Expert evaluation according to e.g. WCAG

We evaluate your website, your product or your service according to the respective valid / applicable guidelines. For web applications, for example, according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, the international standard for barrier-free design of web offers. This evaluation is the basis for further steps towards barrier-free design.


Deriving recommendations

We derive recommendations for action for your further course of action from the previously conducted expert assessment. This way, you always know which next steps on the path to accessibility for your product, service, or website you should prioritize.

Two women are sitting in front of a PC and working.
A user in a user test over a smartphone.


Testing with real users

Now we test your product, service or website with real users. This step is particularly effective in finding the real problems and hurdles in use and iteratively eliminating them. This quickly generates important potential for improvement and further completes the recommendations of the steps towards accessibility.


Deriving recommendations and monitoring implementation

Based on the results of the user tests, we now derive concrete design recommendations once again. Of course, we will then support you in the implementation of these recommendations.

A group of people are standing in front of a screen, working and thinking.
A woman creates a report on a laptop.


Creation of a report or verification

At the end of our collaboration, you receive proof that you have taken the necessary steps towards an accessible product. The report provides you and other parties with information about which problems were encountered during use by the real target group and how these were remedied.

Let’s get started!

Let’s find out together how we can make your product, service or website accessible. In an initial get-to-know-you meeting, we’ll get to know you and your project and see how we can help you.