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What is the best way to standardize log-ins and processes when many different user groups are used to their “own” process? This was precisely the challenge Deutsche Telekom faced when standardizing its log-in processes for various services.

We were able to support this standardization with user tests and provide important insights into user needs. In this testimonial, Eileen Stosik explains exactly how the joint project went and what measurable results were achieved.

Our task

We were commissioned with user research to support the standardization and improvement of all log-ins. This also included Deutsche Telekom’s “forgotten/reset password processes”.

Two female employees in front of a computer screen plan initial measures for a project.
A patient monitor is in focus. Before that, a test setup for a summative evaluation.


At the beginning, there were very many different log-ins and processes for very many different telecom services. These were to be standardized. A very broad user group across the population is familiar with the different log-in processes and was used to different processes accordingly.


Deutsche Telekom’s various log-ins and processes were successfully unified. The measurable results: The success rates of users in performing tasks were significantly improved.

A female staff member in scrubs performs surgery on a patient simulator.

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Do you want to work together quickly, purposefully and pragmatically? Get in touch and we’ll find out together how we can support you.