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Accessibility pays off: 4 advantages of accessible digital products

Author: Benjamin Franz

Reading time:

Mar 2024

Accessibility is not only increasingly the focus of legislators, but also an economically sensible step for companies. There are a number of economic benefits that come with creating accessible digital products. In this blog post, we will look at four of these benefits and show why accessibility is worthwhile.


Advantage 1: Expansion of the user group – further than many think:

Taking different needs and preferences into account in accessible design enables companies to significantly expand their target group and tap into new markets. What is often not considered: This expansion goes beyond the traditional definition of people with permanent disabilities to include people who experience short-term limitations, whether due to temporary injuries, situational circumstances or simply individual preferences. For example, individuals with temporary injuries such as a broken arm or temporary visual impairment could benefit from accessible design features. By appealing to this wider range of users, companies can increase their reach, make their products and services more accessible and ultimately drive business growth.


Advantage 2: Securing a pioneering role:

Anyone who creates an application with an accessible design can currently still secure a pioneering role in many areas and thus score points with a not exactly small target group. However, you have to be quick, because the competition never sleeps. Companies that offer accessible products and services not only position themselves as socially responsible, but also as innovative and customer-oriented. By considering the needs of a wider range of users, they can gain a competitive advantage and strengthen their market position.


Benefit 3: Positive impact on brand reputation:

Integrating accessible design into digital products and services sends a strong signal to clients and the wider public: the company values social responsibility and inclusion. By actively working to make their products accessible to people with different needs, companies demonstrate their commitment to promoting equal opportunities and respect for the diversity of their users. These efforts can strengthen client confidence and create a positive image for the company. Many employees also attach great importance to this. Clients tend to gravitate towards brands that cater to their needs and concerns, and the willingness to interact with and support such brands can be significantly increased. Thus, investing in accessible design can not only improve the user experience, but also strengthen brand reputation and customer loyalty in the long term.


Advantage 4: For websites: Better search engine optimization (SEO):

The effects of accessible design on search engine optimization (SEO) are diverse and significant. Accessible websites are often characterized by a clear structure, user-friendly navigation and easy-to-read content. These features are not only important for people with disabilities, but also improve the overall user experience for all users. Search engine algorithms favor websites that are user-friendly and well-structured, as they assume that these pages provide users with relevant and high-quality content. Thus, implementing accessible design leads to improving search engine rankings and increasing the visibility of a website or app.



Companies that invest in creating accessible solutions not only open up new markets, but also improve their reputation and increase customer satisfaction. In addition, they can position themselves for the future in the long term. The four benefits discussed – expanded target groups, enhanced brand reputation, securing a pioneering role and improved search engine ranking – make it clear that accessibility is an investment that pays off in the long term.

You can gain deeper insights into the topic of “accessibility and usability” in our video interview with our expert Daniel Ziegler: “Accessibility and usability – everything you need to know“.

Would you like to find out where you currently stand in terms of the accessibility of your products? You can find our gap analysis and all other services relating to accessibility here. You are also welcome to contact us directly using our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!


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