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Process analysis – What is it?

Author: Minh Nguyen

Reading time:

Sep 2023
The process analysis is not a method of its own in the sense that new data must be collected for its implementation. Rather, process analysis is a type of representation in which existing information can be summarized and prepared.
Similar to personas and use cases, process analysis aims to make existing data more tangible for developers, and thus to promote the integration of existing knowledge into the development process.

How does a process analysis work?

The process analysis itself focuses on the detailed representation of individual work steps.
Where the use case only superficially depicts the user’s goals, the process analysis explains what is done when and in what order by the user. These workflows usually originate from user observation and do not necessarily have to depict the actual workflow, but rather attempt to represent an ideal workflow that leaves out detours caused by previous – non-optimal – aids and work tools.
Once the optimal workflow has been analyzed and documented, it can be used to design the interface and user-product interaction, as the workflow can then be emulated through the arrangement of elements and functions.

The process analysis answers these questions

  • Which features do my users really need?
  • How come users use my product differently than intended?
  • Does the design of my interface support users in their tasks?


How does a process analysis work with us?

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